A list of challenges to try out!

Not So Berry Challenge

The Not So Berry Challenge has been around for awhile, but it's still quite popular in the Sims community. If you need something new in your game play then this challenge will be great for you. It encourages you to try new careers and personality types for your sim families. It also encourages family game play between the various generations, and it's not always that "picture perfect" family game play that you might usually strive for.

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Decades Challenge

I love historical fiction, so this challenge is right up my alley. It can end up being a lot of Sims to keep track of, but luckily there is a handy-dandy spreadsheet to help with this process! I've never played this challenge, but if I did there would be a few minor changes I would make, as follows:

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100 Baby Challenge

I googled Sims 4 Challenges the other day, and it turns out there are literally a million of them. So, I've decided to start posting descriptions and links to Sims 4 Challenges that I've enjoyed playing, or that I'm interested in trying. Here is the classic 100 Baby Challenge. I'm sure you've heard of it, and maybe even played it. But did you know there are optional occult rules? I've never tried the occult version, but it sounds like a lot of fun! Check out the link below for the full challenge rules.

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